Saturday, August 30, 2008

Air Conditioning

A. is still packing. It's funny, I was asking Josh to explain to me how a generator actually works, and A. seemed astonished that my motive for wanting a generator was air conditioning. I still can't figure out what else I would really use it for. I have this Red Cross Radio that is also a cell phone charger. I can put AA batteries in it or wind the crank around and around and around. "Lucky me," A. says as she grabs some of her daughters panties. She has officially become the first person I've seen evacuate. This afternoon, Josh got a haircut at Salon D'Malta, so I got one too. It seemed like a weird thing to do while driving around buying all that shit on the above list, but I was really glad to see my hairdresser, M. A guy in an LSU shirt came in while M. was blow drying my hair. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Shreveport. Tonight," M. said. "I might go there too," LSU guy replied. A long pause followed. "Do you think the boys down here for Decadence will evacuate to Shreveport?" LSU guy asked. I told M. that I was staying because I want to document the experience as a member of the media, and I asked him if there was anything he wanted on the record. "Get the hell out!" M. told me.

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